Condition:Gonorejas galvenie simptomi. Pēdējā laikā pasaulē gonokoku infekciju raksturo maz vai asimptomātiska gaita un diagnozi apstiprina tikai laboratoriski. Tas veicina vēlīnu diagnostiku un tāpēc attīstās dažādas komplikācijas. [ 18; 23]. Galvenie simptomi un komplikāciju pazīmes apkopotas 1. tabulā. [ 2; 5] 1. tabula.
Accessories: Dust Bag
Measurements: Handle Drop 95. Height 15. Width 22. Depth 3
Designer: Bottega Veneta
Model: best way to sell a gold rolex
Exterior Material: Leather
Exterior Color: RGB:250,168,125
Interior Material: Leather
Interior Color: RGB:180,163,249
Item Number: Z14603
User reviews: A couple of years ago at the 2019 edition of Watches & Wonders, our colleague James peeped the now-acclaimed Cartier Santos and summarily went on to proclaim it one of the best watches of the show. “It’s an elegant and timeless design,” he said, “equipped with a lovely interchangeable bracelet that will complement pretty much all occasions as you grow old”.
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